Blog Archive

29 December 2015

Press Release: What Have I Been Up To???

Answer: Everything! I cannot begin to describe how busy the last months have been and how they have completely breezed past me- as I'm sure is the case with most people. So it's been difficult to get to writing for a number of reasons. I've been sick (I'm sick again right now), I've been partying, I've been singing, I've been writing songs, working a lot, and so on.

First off: I really wanted to write about Halloween. It was so much fun! I dressed as Amy Winehouse and did the beehive and everything. A few people even recognized my costume and I danced the night away until about six in the morning! I went with a very good friend of mine to a weird, out-of-way club near the central train station. It was an interesting experience, because it was the first time I really noticed so many people reacting toward me in a positive way. After leaving an emotionally abusive relationship, it gave me a huge surge of confidence when I was at the party and people would repeatedly tell me that I'm nice, sweet, or otherwise! That might sound a little sad, but that was what 2014 was for me- sad. So I had an absolutely great night that evening.

November went completely over my head. It was over so fast (as was/is December) that I can't even remember a lot of exactly what went on. What I do know for sure is that I wrote new songs that I am VERY proud of and excited about!!!!!!! Finally finally the album is starting to take a specific shape and direction- basically the experiences I've collected over the past two years. So I've written a few new songs entitled:

Tell Me Why (about my mistakes with love)
Got a Girl (when you like someone but they're unavailable, but you dream on anyway)
Take a Seat (I might compare this to You Know I'm No Good, it's got that kind of style and a similar energy. Basically a more defiant song when it comes to relationships that don't work)
More Than Fine (this is when you've broken up or been rejected or similar and everyone is like 'RU OK' and you're like 'I'm fine! I'm great! Excellent! More than fine!' and you kinda overdo it)

So obviously those are the kinds of things I've gone through in the past two years. I am really excited about each and every one of those songs because finally I am getting into songwriting that I myself like and personally find good and want to listen to. It's all very jazzy music, definitely a nod to my hero Amy Winehouse. But it's still me and my thoughts, so it'll be interesting when we record them and are able to release them- but that's still going to take a while. The plan right now is to get a diverse demo of 5 songs together and send them off in January to the A&R's (artists and repertoire) of various record labels, and see if anyone is interested in meeee :) wish me luck!

November was also partially a sad month for me. I lost a friend of mine from school (in the U.S.) that month, and one day later I learnt of the terrorist attacks in Paris. I asked myself, why all this death, violence, and killing? I'm not sure what to make of it, and both events (occurring so close to one another time-wise) hit me very hard. Especially the loss of someone I knew personally, went to school with, would laugh and talk with... It was a difficult time for sure, and my heart continues to go out to the family of Lexi Dressel.

Moving on to December, this month has also been busy, with christmas markets, drinking hot mead (honey wine! YUM), Glühwein (also yum!), giving tours and trying to manage everything in between... Well, I also made some particularly interesting experiences this month as well ;) I won't be too specific, but I'll say I made an experience recently that gave me the power to carry on with my life and believe in myself fully again, and also believe in the possibility of falling in love again. Many of my close friends know how difficult it was for me to detach from my ex, and it was a very public matter, and difficult time. Even after we officially "broke up," we'd start talking again, meet up from time to time, and it just turned into this nonsensical cycle. So while we've been separated since August, it still has taken some time to really get past the whole thing. Lately I've felt better and been able to fully move on. It's a process and I've allowed myself time for it, but I also had difficulty believing I'd be able to find love again. Well, I'm not in love right now, but events in December have shown me that I definitely can be again someday. And that gives me hope.

Look at me, getting all sappy on you... ;)

Christmas time was peaceful and not busy for me. I had a friend of mine over for dinner and we played games and watched movies, it was quite pleasant. Unfortunately at the same time I grabbed myself strep throat, which developed into tonsillitis, which caused a short bout of pinkeye, and now is turning into laryngitis. Merry Christmas to me! I had tonsillitis two years ago and treated it with antibiotics, this time I didn't want to go to the doctor because it was Christmas so I would've had to go to the ER, which I didn't care to visit a 5th time this year thank you. So I'm letting my body heal itself, drinking obscene amounts of ginger-lemon tea, eating homemade soup and superfoods, etc. It is all helping but is taking some time (and add to giving tours to upwards of 40 people every day, it can get a bit straining). But I am already over the hill and on the road to recovery.

How were your holidays? I hope you all had a wonderful time with your families and loved ones. Over the next few days I'll write another post to wrap up/summarize 2015 and begin 2016.

Most of all: HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Lots of love and best wishes for 2016 (what are your resolutions?? have any?)
India xox

Music for the mood: Never Ending Circles by CHVRCHES