Blog Archive

28 October 2015

Hit the Road, Jack!

I'm back again! My apologies once again for the hiatus on writing. The past 6 weeks have been so busy, and needless to say, flew by! What with Oktoberfest, visits to the studio, LONDON, and more studio time... I've been absolutely full!

At the moment I am in Innsbruck recording a brand-new song and putting the finishing touches on two others. My latest song is a very Amy Winehouse-inspired number, and it's actually somewhat of a tribute to her work. Already the guys in my band drew parallels to her music in this song. And like every other song I've made- it's completely different from all the rest!! As much as I'd like a congruent sound for my album, all of my songs are completely different from each other. From jazzy-blues numbers like my latest ("Tell Me Why"), to dance songs like Irresistible or more adventurous like Runner. I'm excited, anyhow :D

Soon, I'm going to start making my very first music video for another song. It's very much a rock song, with plenty of bass, guitar riffs, and a couple of my own personal touches like chimes and some synths. My hope is to shoot the video in a gothic-style church in northern Bavaria, but I am still working on the script for it. This is also something I'm extremely excited about!

Oktoberfest was absolute madness. It was my most intense Oktoberfest to date. It was great fun, I played lots of games, rode lots of rides, and of course drank my fair share of Maß's. A summary of my visit to Oktoberfest: Day 1 (the first Sunday of the festival)- start drinking at noon and just... don't stop. Apparently. I survived, I neither became ill nor blacked out- not after one full glass of wine (1/4), two (or was it three?) glasses of prosecco, a liter of beer shared with my mum, followed by my own liter, followed by continued sharing of beers by the people I was with in the tent until close. I can hold my own, I guess. The next day though, I had to work two tours. I had barely any hangover symptoms (luckily!), the only problem was I went on the high swings the previous day and decided screaming on them would be a neat idea. So I pretty much lost my voice at the end of the day. And then after all that I caught an obligatory cold (nearly everyone catches a cold during or after Oktoberfest). The rest of my days weren't as intense as that, but they were just as fun. I won myself a lot of prizes by going to shooting stands. I even got to go to the ER and ride in an ambulance! Many of you might have already heard about that- it's not nearly as scary as it sounds. Actually a girl chinked her glass with someone else in front of me- she did it too hard, and a piece of the glass splintered into my face. I had my eyes checked out to make sure nothing got into them. Luckily, nothing did!

What also happened in September- I finally met the members of my band! My producer has been working on getting musicians together to accompany me when I finally perform my music live. We still need a drummer (hmu if you know a good one!), but I've met my guitarist and bassist and they are really splendid guys, both so talented and they have worked so hard on learning my music and contributing to it as well! It is truly not only a fascinating experience but also so uplifting, so exciting to have people to collaborate with, to work on a common goal together. And it is all the more flattering that it happens to be my music ;) So we rehearsed last month and now I'm back in Austria again to rehearse with them. We're preparing original material but also a few epic covers (Led Zeppelin, Priestess, etc.)

And last but not least, I've also been over to London two weeks ago!
It was AMAZING (pardon the non-creative adjective, but it was truly amazing, awesome, magnificent, superb!)
Bear in mind, I haven't been to a city as large as London in more than 6 years (last city of that size I'd been to was New York in April 2009). And it absolutely blew my mind. Of course it was completely different than what I expected, but in a good way. First of all, it is massive. It is a huge city! I guess I have really gotten used to the size of Munich, which is a very comfortable one.

It was also my very first trip alone. I flew alone to the U.S. almost two years ago to visit my family, but this was my first trip ever by myself, for myself, and to a place where I didn't know anyone. I'm thrilled to be growing up and making my "first" experiences of doing new things. Traveling alone, first apartment, first backpacking trip, etc. So in London I did all of the touristy stuff, including a free walking tour à la Sandeman's (the same company I work with) of course ;) I also visited the British Museum (fantastic- you can see Cleopatra's mummy in there!), the National Gallery (can't recommend this one, it's just a bunch of random paintings of dead royalty), The Tower of London (my favorite part ever, so much history!), and I spent a toooooooon of time in Camden. I explored the markets and discovered an amazing vegan cookie shop called Cookies and Scream, and I continually went up there to visit the pubs at night. On one Saturday evening I had a particularly adventurous time, visiting first a pub called the Lock Tavern and seeing a live concert from some pretty good bands. Then after three or four pints I decided to go climb Primrose Hill for a beautiful view of the London night sky. Drunken me tried to take pictures up there. Needless to say they didn't turn out. The amazing part about Camden is that everyone in the local pubs and spots seemed to know Amy personally. "I played pool against her once," or "she'd always go to the Hawley, I saw her there once," were phrases I heard from multiple people. And that really made me sad. You could really sense that if Amy were still alive, she'd be there playing pool at The Good Mixer like always. Surprisingly I didn't find too many Amy-related souvenirs though.
The whole trip was great fun and really opened my eyes to the outside world. I've gotten very comfortable in the cocoon that is Munich so it was valuable to me to get out a little bit to a big city.

And that brings me to now. Now I'm in Innsbruck, on Monday I recorded my brand-new song and we also put down the bass line and guitar. I can't even begin to describe how thrilled I am about this song. It just might be my proudest work yet. Yesterday I finished up the vocals on some older work and this evening I have band practice
Tomorrow I go home to a voice lesson, and this weekend is Halloween. I'm planning on dressing up as.... can you guess? ;)

No? (pssst... it's Amy)

What are you going as?

I'll write soon again I promise!


Music mood: Hotline Bling by Drake (sorry bout this one, it's so addictive though)

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